
Blue Glow Agave

Blue Glow Agave Plant Information

Blue Glow Agave Plant Information.  A drought-tolerant agave that will grow about 3 maybe 4 ft. tall and wide. But, best to water at least once per week or at least twice per month for a better-looking plant. It is a succulent this means over-watering and it will develop root -rot. Make sure to have […]

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Jacaranda Tree

Jacaranda Trees landscape

Jacaranda Trees landscape. Botanical Name – Jacaranda mimosifolia.  A tree with spectacular long-lasting violet-like blooms. In its natural habitat, it will grow up to 50 ft. or so.  It is native to Bolivia and Argentina and considered a sub-tropical tree.  It will thrive in places where there is lots of humidity. It goes by many […]

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California Fan Palm Southwest

California fan palm Southwest – Washingtonia filifera.  A good-looking fan palm for that tropical look.  One of the hardier palms for colder regions of the Southwest.  Thick trunk and fronds that will give you shade. It’s best to remove the bark or skin of these Palm for a smooth aesthetic look. However, it is best […]

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Drought Tolerant Trees Southwest Ideas

Drought Tolerant Trees Southwest.  This list is for those looking for trees that will do well in the desert Southwest area. The Honey Mesquite tree – Prosopis glandulosa.  It will grow about 30 ft. tall and wide. Deciduous and will grow sweet bean-like pods. Want to see the Honey Mesquite tree in your landscape area?  […]

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The Golden Barrel Cactus

The Golden Barrel Cactus

The Golden Barrel Cactus.  The scientific name is Echinocactus grusonii – It needs full sun anything less and it will not bloom or do well.  It can grow about 3 maybe 4 ft. tall and wide, sometimes taller and wider, make sure it gets ample room to grow.  The spines or needles will get about […]

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Variegated century plant for Desert Landscaping

Variegated century plant Desert Landscaping

Variegated century plant for desert landscaping. The Agave (Agave americana ‘Marginata). It is a plant that is suited for the desert Southwest.  Long stripped fronds that end with sharp needle-like points.  With yellow stripes on the edges of the fronds. Why is it called the Century Plant? In about its 25th or 30th year, It […]

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A vertical low angle shot of a green cactus under a cloudy sky in the Sonoran Desert outside of Tucson Arizona

Saguaro Cactus Desert Landscape Plant

The Saguaro Cactus Desert Landscape.  Tall majestic cactus perfect for those who want low water Xeriscape yard.  It loves full hot sun, it will not do well with more than 6-7 hrs. shade. Here is a list of Xeriscaping Plants. The scientific name is “Carnegiea  Gigantea”. There are many types the ones in the photo […]

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